With Sağlayıcı Hosting Solutions you will have no difficulty in managing your increasing number of servers. With Sağlayıcı Server Hosting service, you can host your servers and get high speed safe access without the need of an additional investment and expense. Sağlayıcı monitors your servers all the time, provides reporting service, and thus your business continuity improves.
- Need physical and professional environment for server hosting
- Want to lower the energy costs
- Experience interrupts in internet access and cannot use their applications efficiently
- Want to scale their services according to their own criteria
- Need an experienced team of specialists for infrastructure management without employing them
- Aim to use their applications in that high performance level required by their customers
- Want to use their hardware preeminently and efficiently
A special area for you and your server is allocated in Sağlayıcı Data Center. You get quality internet access to your servers with the desired bandwidths. You can access your server from the Sağlayıcı Customer Control Panel via internet or you can manage your server with remote connection.
- With Sağlayıcı’s own fiber optic backbone you get high speed, quality and secure access in all circumstances.
- You get the connection and IT services in one and high SLA due to our redundant fiber infrastructure that we manage.
- In our data center, the high security measures implemented in accordance with Sağlayıcı standards ensure your information security.
- All the energy and air conditioning infrastructures within Sağlayıcı Data Centers are designed in a one-to-one redundant architecture. Your service continuity is ensured with the network devices and the redundancy in their services.
- You can get 7/24 Sağlayıcı support through our corporate call center.
- As your growing company needs new and more technological infrastructure, it is scaled immediately through Sağlayıcı investment power and support is provided.
- You can remotely monitor and control your data center operations through the Sağlayıcı Corporate Online Operation Center.
- Your servers are monitored 7/24 and when needed basic interventions are performed.
- You eliminate the cost, effort and risks of building and managing your own data center.
- You save from the physical areas that you will allocate for your servers, costs to be spent for personnel, business and maintenance, and expenses to be spent for power and cooling.
- Downtime decreases and accessibility increases at your servers.
- A special IP for you is allocated.
- Your data can be reserved in the Sağlayıcı Emergency Center (S.E.C) against disaster situations.
- Your hardware and applications are taken under protection against external attacks with Shared Firewall, DDoS Attack Prevention and Manageable Security Services..
Sağlayıcı Data Center is priced over server hosting tariff in accordance with the volume of the kept device and its capacity of energy consumption, number of ports and internet access capacity.

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