Network Service Controls
- With ping or TCP port controls
- HEAD, GET or POST request delivery with the URL you want.
- Controlling of the form values supported with POST
- Controlling of the entry form values supported with GET and POST
- Controlling of the specified word or sentences with HTTP requests
- Give alarm with response times or 400+ error codes. Thereby, you get informed as your servers begin to give error.
- Connection control, service control and e-mail access times control of SMTP, POP and IMAP servers.
- Microsoft Exchange Outlook Web Access control
- DNS control and controlling whether the dns responses reflect the real ip addresses or not
- Sending FTP and SSH connections’ commends.
- Connection control for MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL Server database servers.
- Various controls for Application/protocol developers.
- Controlling of encrypted SSL versions for all supported Network Service controls.
- Package service control that will notify you when the server is suddenly disabled.
- Application of triggers returning with a specific response time within a specific period.
Server Resource Controls
- Panopta Monitoring Agent is available for the following operating systems: Linux (RHEL/Centos, Fedora, Ubuntu and Debian), Microsoft Windows (Server 2003, Server 2008) and FreeBSD.
- Monitoring of CPU, Ram, Disk and Bandwidth resources
- Control of file existence.
- Providing the rate of database control module requests, cache usage and replication status for MySQL and MSSQL servers.
- SNMP monitoring feature is provided for getting values from all devices supporting SNMP.
- Adding MIB to the Known Standard Management Information Bases’ (MIBs) support optionally.
- SNMPv1, SNMPv2c and very soon SNMPv3 support
- Creating alarms with the values provided by Panopta Monitoring Agent and SNMP.
- We support multiple notification methods for notifications:
- E-mail (text, HTML or short text)
- Push notification support for Apple iPhone/iPod/iPad devices (Soon for Android devices as well).
- Voice call (home, office or cell phones)
- Twitter, direct message and normal message (message content can be customized)
- Google Chat and IRC message
- You can integrate to your existing Call (ticket) software with HTTP POST support
- Notification timings provide complex notification settings that support automatic notification assignments too.
- Enabling of informing different people at each notification by creating alternate contact lists.
- Informing all contact list at once.
- You can deactivate notifications during your scheduled works with maintenance time setting.
Monitoring Control Panel
- Web based control panel enables you to make all the settings and access to the reports.
- Panopta Monitoring Agent’s control.
- Interface that even facilitates the control of hundreds of servers.
- Creating users and assigning them to the related servers.
- Reports sent as e-mail can communicate the servers’ daily, weekly and monthly accessibility and response times.
- Reports can be for all servers or specified servers.
- Reports can optionally be arranged visually.
Mobile Applications
- It allows you to reach to the server and server reports with Mobile Applications.
- You can find iPhone/iPod/iPad applications on the AppStore.
- You can find Android applications on the Android Market.
- You can access iPhone/iPod/iPad’s with push notification support (Soon for Android as well…).
- You can respond to alarms directly from your telephone.
Other Features
- API support
- RSS support
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