Both Flexible and Continuous
Cloud Servers are independent and isolated virtual servers that are separated from each other by using virtualization and resources of the physical servers.
Cloud Servers are not affected from disk failure, power failure and similar events. CPU, ram and disk size can be adjusted responsively and support all operating systems.
The Sağlayıcı works in a higher performance and more redundant than normal physical servers by virtue of Cloud Servers infrastructure and its operation running on its infrastructure.
In normal physical servers the disk performance cannot come up specified values, whereas these values can be much higher in Cloud Servers running on the Sağlayıcı infrastructure due to the features of storage units used and high numbers of fast disks. The service is provided with uppermost models of Intel Xeon E5 and E7 family CPU’s.

The Sağlayıcı Cloud Servers running on the Sağlayıcı infrastructure are 100% redundant with IBM Brand Servers, Juniper Brand Network Products and EMC VNX Series Storage Devices on VMware vCloud Platform. Cloud infrastructure is built upon full continuity and redundancy.
The Sağlayıcı Cloud Server services is provided in İstanbul, İzmir and Ankara in Turkey and Holland, Germany, Romania in the world.
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From starting 2017 SAĞLAYICI started providing public cloud services with CLOUDEOS brand. Customers wishing to use elastic, optimized, secure public cloud servers could get server with instant activiation and pay for hourly usage.
It takes 11 seconds to deploy a virtual machine on CLOUDEOS. All virtual machines becomes online with instant activiation. Public cloud service started on Istanbul and Izmir in Turkey . In near future it will be available on both Europe and America.