Unconditional Continuity with Emergency Center !
This service is provided for companies who has to resume their operation in emergencies such as earthquake, flood, fire, etc. and who do not want to lose data, in order to enable them to resume their business and operations; in accordance with the requirements of the critical business applications and the systems running on them, a small or one-to-one copy of it is reserved at Sağlayıcı's İzmir datacenter in Turkey, and at Holland and Germany data centers in Europe and when necessary these infrastructures are activated for use during emergency period.
The Emergency Plan and the technologies to be used are specially determined for you and your requirements.
- Periodic tests are performed according to the specified plan and the system is improved.
- Sağlayıcı Emergency Center becomes active in accordance with the SLA specified in Emergency and your systems are made functional again.
- The Emergency Center will continue its service until all the effects of the disaster are totally resolved.
- As your data is reserved and physically saved in a safe environment, you prevent information loss by ensuring the work continuity and performance under emergencies.
- You eliminate the risks that will arise due to emergencies.

The PROVIDER Emergency Center is an ideal solution for all corporations and enterprises that feel the necessity to continue their operations under emergencies such as earthquake, flood, fire, etc. and do not want to lose information.
- The Emergency Plan and technologies to be used are specially determined for you and your requirements.
- Periodic tests are performed according to the specified plan and the system is improved.
- Sağlayıcı Emergency Center becomes active in accordance with the SLA identified in Emergency and your systems are made functional again.
- Sağlayıcı Emergency Center will continue its service until all the effects of the disaster are totally resolved.
Would you like to get detailed information about this service? For detailed information please click here.