With IP MPLS Network, end points are closer to you

The Sağlayıcı provides International Private Connection Circuits to its customers with point-to-point private rental circuit between customer end points. When it is required to provide a connection in a direction that is difficult to reach around the world, this problem can easily be overcomed with a special capacity by using IPLC service.

In general terms, there are two IPLC sections.

  • The first one is the point that reaches to the middle of the desired international point from Turkey through a theoretical or geographical way;
  • And the second one is the way that the rest of the circuit reaches to the end point.

IPLC connections can be provided using sea or land cables or satellite infrastructures. The bandwidth range of IPLC service can change between 64 Kbitps to 155 Mbitps value.

IPLC service capacity is distributed from the Sağlayıcı's international network to the rest of the world.  The Sağlayıcı works together with its experienced partners around the world in order to provide a local-loop connection and the Sağlayıcı's responsibility area covers half of the circuit provided with the Sağlayıcı's cables or infrastructure via maintenance and invoicing and it is a unique connection point for service management.


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